圖書館-《試用通知》Naxos Spoken Word Library‧拿索斯‧線上有聲書圖書館

《試用通知》Naxos Spoken Word Library‧拿索斯‧線上有聲書圖書館

圖書館 /詹淑媛
有效日期:2018/10/03 ~ 2019/06/20
Naxos Spoken Word Library 網址 : →https://www.naxosspokenwordlibrary.com/ 「帳號密碼 」如下: Username: concertmm Password: naxosmm 試用期間 – 即日起至2019年6月20日。 ※《拿索斯線上有聲書》(Naxos AudioBook)乃有聲書界的領導品牌,收錄內容含古今文學、小說、寓言、傳記、歷史、藝術、音樂、戲劇、宗教、商管、哲學、運動休閒與教育等多樣化的主題,每年發行近200張專輯。本資料庫不僅提供《拿索斯有聲書》的所有錄音,且大部分的內容,伴隨著背景音樂與音效中,仍可在螢幕上同步閱覽作品全文,更可供列印,便於讀者邊聽邊閱讀。 ※《拿索斯線上有聲書》提供了6,830多本有聲書,其中含英語(5,555本)、法語(989本)、德語(275本)、葡萄牙語(11本)提供學生便捷的語文學習素材。 ※《拿索斯線上有聲書》巧妙的伴隨著「拿索斯線上古典音樂」為背景,於朗讀與對白中,又富含著背景音效以營造故事氣氛。 中文簡介、操作手冊:https://concert.stpi.narl.org.tw/database/78 “Naxos Spoken Word Library” is an online collection of English audiobooks with titles on classic novels, plays, poetry, religion, philosophy, great epics and tales, history, biographies and music education. They are read by foreign actors, university professors and well known broadcasters in the pure English and American accents. You can enjoy your leisure time, learn English through listening and reading! “Naxos Spoken Word Library” includes classic works of Western literature (with numerous unabridged titles), plays, contemporary fiction, adult non-fiction covering a variety of subjects, and junior classics. Readings are in English, French, or German. The library offers Naxos AudioBooks' full range of recordings, many of which can also be followed using the texts on screen. Also included are Naxos Educational products, which focus closely on the background to operas and the lives of great composers. All the recordings are illustrated with music from the unrivalled Naxos catalogue. NSWL can be accessed from any computer, anywhere, anytime. With the new iPhone / iPod Touch App / Android App, subscribers can also access the service on the go.



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