[線上講座]Emerald webinar 3/24: Tourism Review - Agenda 2030
圖書館 /詹淑媛
有效日期:2022/03/23 ~ 2022/03/23
講座主題:Tourism Review - Agenda 2030
講座時間:Thu, Mar 24, 2022 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (台北時間)
本講座由 Tourism Review 主編 Professor Dimitrios Buhalis主持,偕同多位同領域學者一起探討共創 2023 觀光知識,歡迎相關領域研究者一同參加討論。
Tourism Review is organizing a research webinar to bring the community together to discuss and encourage knowledge cocreation towards TOURISM 2030, which is the topic of a virtual special issue for next year. The global tourism and hospitality have been suffering from the effects of COVID. For the first time ever, it is so clear to everybody how important and tourism is for consumers and their mental health.
Our session will be moderated by Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Editor-in-Chief of Tourism Review. He is a Strategic Management and Marketing expert with specialisation in Information Communication Technology applications in the Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Leisure industries. He is Director of the eTourism Lab and Deputy Director of the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, at Bournemouth University Business School in England.