圖書館-《網路研討會》Taylor & Francis 開放研究 (Open Research)

《網路研討會》Taylor & Francis 開放研究 (Open Research)

圖書館 /詹淑媛
有效日期:2022/04/28 ~ 2022/05/04
Taylor & Francis 將於5/4(三)舉辦Publishing in Medicine and Health journals網路研討會,詳細會議資訊與報名連結如下,歡迎對此議題有興趣之教職員、學生與研究人員一同參加。 Publishing in Medicine and Health journals with Mike Gregg & Eddy Spofford Date: 04 May 2022 Time: 3.00pm - 4.30pm (GMT +8) Registration Link: https://bit.ly/RWS-MHJ What to expect? Publishing is an integral element of the researcher process with most academics required to publish at least once in their professional career. Researchers must also navigate a publishing landscape that is constantly evolving. This session is designed for early career researchers who have little to no publishing experience, looking to publish with a journal from within the discipline of Medicine & Health. It will provide a basic overview of the current state of academic publishing to enable a better understanding of the process. The session will cover what to consider when choosing where to publish, open access, preparing your manuscript for publication, the peer review process and how to respond to reviewer reports, top reasons for rejection, and how to promote your work.



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