圖書館-《抽獎活動》T&F 線上有獎徵答活動-Good Health and Well-Being良好健康與福祉

《抽獎活動》T&F 線上有獎徵答活動-Good Health and Well-Being良好健康與福祉

圖書館 /詹淑媛
有效日期:2024/10/05 ~ 2024/11/15
活動期間 即日起至11月15 日 Quiz Period Now – 15 Nov 2024 活動主題: 良好健康與福祉 您覺得自己對良好的健康和福祉了解得夠深入嗎? 今天就來挑戰自己參加Taylor & Francis的線上有獎徵答吧! 透過領先的出版物,探索永續發展目標3 (健康與福祉) 的見解,從健康倡議到個人福祉實踐,還有機會贏得大獎! Quiz Topic:Good Health and Well-Being Think you know all about good health and well-being? Challenge yourself to Taylor & Franics’ Online Quiz today! ? Explore insights on SDG3 through leading publications, from health initiatives to personal well-being practices, and stand a chance to win attractive prizes! 活動網址Quiz Site:https://tandf.typeform.com/fsq2-2024 活動對象:Taylor & Francis 期刊全台訂戶之全體師生 Participants:All Taiwan Taylor & Francis journal subscribers whose faculty and students 抽獎獎品 頭獎: GARMIN VENU SQ 2 GPS 智慧腕錶 (1名) 貳獎: OSIM 護眼樂 Air (1名) 參獎: 輝葉miniV 2 熱感口袋筋膜槍 (1名) 肆獎: Logitech 羅技Pebble 2 Combo 無線藍牙鍵盤滑鼠組 (1名) 伍獎: 全聯禮券 NT$200/份 (40名) Prizes 1st: GARMIN VENU SQ 2 Smartwatch (1) 2nd: OSIM uVision Air Eye Massager (1) 3rd: HUEI YEH miniv2 fascia gun (1) 4th: Logitech Pebble 2 Combo (keyboard+Mouse) (1) 5th: PX Mart Vouchers NT$200 (40) 活動贈獎方式 1. 答案全對者,即可參加抽獎。活動結束後,獎項預計於 11 月30日前抽出並聯繫獲獎者,將以電腦隨機方式選出獲獎者。 2. T&F將以 email 聯繫獲獎者。獲獎者須於期限內以 email 回覆,若無任何回應,視同放棄領獎資格! 3. 獎項將以郵寄的方式寄予得獎人。郵寄區域限台灣地區。 4. 若經查核獲獎人身分不符合規定,其獲獎資格將被取消,並依序遞補下一位得獎者。 Prizes distribution method Those who answer all questions correctly can participate the Lucky Draw. After the event, the winners will be selected randomly by computer application. The prizes are expected to be drawn and the winners contacted before the 30th November 2024. Taylor & Francis will contact the winners via email. Winners must reply via email within the time limit. Failure to do so will be deemed to have given up the qualification to receive the prize! The prize will be sent to the winner by post. The mailing area is limited to Taiwan. If the identity of the winner does not meet the requirements after verification, his or her qualification for winning will be cancelled, and the next winner will be replaced in sequence. 請在校園IP範圍內參加活動



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