

圖書館 /詹淑媛
有效日期:2024/10/22 ~ 2024/11/30
活動名稱:聚焦台灣:探索台灣學者的學術足跡 Emerald Publishing的Literati Awards自1993年設立以來,持續表揚並鼓舞Emerald學術社群中的傑出貢獻,為獲獎研究帶來國際影響力和認可。 透過本次測驗,您將探索得獎文章的核心見解,聚焦台灣學者在Emerald Publishing的創新研究,從中獲得全新視角,了解這些研究如何塑造我們的世界! Quiz連結:https://forms.office.com/e/qnM0amYL99 活動期間:即日起至11/30日(六)下午17:00止 活動獎項: ○ 一獎:  Marshall Major V 藍芽耳罩式耳機 1位 ○ 二獎:  Kolin 氣炸鍋 1位 ○ 三獎:   星巴克飲料券 15位 活動辦法: ◇確認您的裝置連線於校園網域內,否則可能無法點閱文章。 ◇每人登錄次數每天限一次,可累積抽獎機會,最多累積四十次,越容易抽中! ◇本活動開放給台灣所有大學的在校學生及現任教職員參加 ◇中獎通知發出後10個工作天內未回覆的話,我們會視同您放棄獎品,重新抽獎喔! Title: Spotlight on Taiwan: Discover the achievements of Taiwanese Scholars The Literati Awards celebrate remarkable contributions within Emerald’s scholarly community, offering winners global recognition. This quiz lets you explore key insights from award-winning research with a Taiwanese perspective. Test your knowledge and uncover research that’s shaping our world today. Quiz:https://forms.office.com/e/qnM0amYL99 Event Period:From now until 2024/11/30 Saturday 17:00 Prizes: 1st prize: Marshall Major V On-Ear Bluetooth Headphones for 1 lucky winner 2nd prize: Kolin air fryer for 1 lucky winner 3rd prize: $150元 Starbuck voucher 15 lucky winners Event Details: ◇Please ensure that your device is connected to the network of the university, otherwise you may not be able to have access to the articles. ◇Each person is limited to one submission per day. The total number of submissions for one participant is capped at 40 during the quiz period. ◇This quiz is only Limited to Current students and faculty members of the University in Taiwan. ◇If the winners do not respond within 10 working days after the notification is sent, we will consider it as giving up the prize and proceed to redraw.



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